Hiring a personal trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals more efficiently. This article is to clear up any confusion of what is your personal trainer's responsibility, and what is your responsibility as a client.
Things that are your trainer’s responsibility
- Have a training plan.
This should take into account their client’s lifestyle and nutrition factors. This should also have contingencies for if a client gets sick or has to modify. If a trainer is just randomly throwing things together, and cannot explain how you are going to accomplish your goals, ditch them.
- Keeping a schedule.
Part of training is making sure it is done consistently. It’s their responsibility to set up a schedule and be clear with why you train when you do. If a trainer is overbooked or always having to reschedule due to their personal life, they should find another line of work.
- Making it safe.
An injured person cannot train properly. A trainer should always try to keep their clients safe; this includes checking equipment, teaching them to use equipment properly, providing a safe productive environment, and reducing unnecessary risks (a 500lb client shouldn’t do box jumps).
- Keeping it fun.
Training can be hard work, but if it doesn’t have an element of fun to it, a client will not keep it up long term. A trainer doesn’t have to be a stand-up comedian or make everything a game, but they should try to incorporate some activities that the client will enjoy and still be effective.
- Be honest.
It doesn’t help a client to be placated. Telling a person they are doing great when they are actually failing miserably will only promote negative behaviors. A healthy dose of constructive criticism is needed, but not unnecessary meanness.
Things that are not your trainer's responsibility…
- You showing up, what you choose to eat, and whether you go to bed on time.
A trainer can make the training schedule, lay out the best plan, give you the best nutrition advice, and tell you how to recover properly, but YOU have to make it happen! If you skip appointments, eat junk food, come to the gym hung-over, and stay up binge-watching TV don’t blame your trainer or the program. Your job is to show up, listen to instruction, and then execute the plan.